Transition from baby into toddler can be a challenge for many parents. You may be nervous about your little one’s new found freedom brought on by being able to walk, crawl, climb out of their bed an explore.
You’ll know all too well that the trouble isn’t actually when they are asleep, it’s when they are awake that things can go wrong. Your child is becoming ever more curious, so we’ve come up with 5 tips for reducing safety risks in your child’s room.
Make sure to anchor your furniture to walls securely. Wall straps are essential for cupboards and drawers as toddlers will try to climb the drawers and wall straps will stop them toppling over.
Bunk beds look like fun and are a good use of space in a small shared room, but they can be a hazard for lively young children. Guard rails will prevent them falling out of a top bunk bed during a nightmare. Estimates using EU Injury Database (IDB) data indicate that annually in the EU member countries, approximately 19,000 injuries to children 0-14 years of age involving bunk beds are serious enough to require a visit to the emergency department.
2.Wiring and Plugs
Covers for exposed cords are essential in stopping lamps and other electrical items from falling off tables and minimising the risk of the child pulling them down on top of themselves.
Additionally, always check for frayed cords and replace immediately if any are exposed. This is a serious hazard. Make sure electrical cords are behind the furniture rather than in front of it to minimise risks.
As for plugs, socket covers or shields are advisable as a child may poke things into the sockets and damage them, causing a safety risk when switching on the mains.
3.Windows and Blinds
Windows in a loft conversion room and normal room must have a safety latch to prevent the child from being able to open and climb out of the window. Mesh window guards or window stoppers are also advisable.
We would strongly recommend buying blinds and curtains that are cordless and child safe.
If you live in a two-story or above house, a safety gate on stairs is crucial to stop them from falling down. However, safety gates in themselves can be a hazard for young children. Ensure that the child safety gate conforms to European Standards and follow installation instructions carefully.
You should discontinue using the gate when the child is 2 years old as a child this age may be able to climb over or open the gate.
5.Smoke Alarms
Smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors are quite obvious safety measures but they are something that can be forgotten about. According to a study by Child Safety Europe, about two thirds of house fire deaths occur in homes with either no smoke alarms or no working smoke alarms.
Maintenance is crucial – be sure to check your smoke alarm is working by changing the batteries twice a year and ensure to replace your carbon monoxide detector as required. Properly installed and maintained smoke alarms are considered to be one of the best and least expensive means of providing an early warning of a potentially deadly fire and could reduce the risk of dying from a fire in the home by almost half.
For more information, please read the Child Safety Europe ‘Product Safety Guide’